Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A recent case by a gun

The most recent case by a gun is a young men went into a mall and shooting people. He killed eight people and nine others were wound. He also killed himself. This happened at Westroads mall in Omaha Nebraska. They said that he had too many problems going on . He had broke up with his girlfriend and they parents had kicked him out of the house. A cop arrived six minutes later after the call and there wasn't anymore shooting. The guy left a suicide note at his home and was found . The note said that he wanted to be "Out in style." He wanted people to know him. Also people said that he shoot 20 times to a crowd. People then were running everywhere and even in the fitting rooms. In conclusion that is a reason why guns are not good because many innocent people died and not even knowing the person. I found this article in truthdig.

Pros and Cons

Some reasons why people are against guns is because they think it is easier for bad things to happen. Also adults are mostly against guns because they are worried for their school children. For example with all the school shooting that is going on and went on. Also most crimes happened with guns or are done with guns. There has more crime with guns. They also think that it is not good to have a gun because they think that anything could happened in any second. They think that there is many others ways to protect themselves either then guns.
People that are with guns think that it is the easiest way to protect themselves and their love ones. Also they say that if guns are ban then they would be going against the 2nd amendment in the constitution. Also because people use guns as hunting and they should have the right to use guns. They also think that with out guns in America then we won't be as powerful. Those are somethings about pros and cons of guns.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

what do you think?

i ask some people about what they thought or knew about gun control. some people said some interesting things about it for example some people said that guns are very dangerous in the hands of people that don't know how to use them, guns are made for one purpose to kill , guns are easily to access and that not to sell guns to just anyone they should be a cop or something like that. others said opposite things for example, guns don't kill people people kill people, if someone owns a gun they are less likely to get robbed or hurt and that a gun in the hand is better than a cop on a phone.

What are the obsessions with guns?

the united states is one of the countries with the most guns, the most murders by guns and one of the most weapon sellers in the world. for some of this reasons people is obsess with guns. most of this people are male and they think that if they have or use a gun they prove that they are men. some of the people use guns just to feel the power of a gun and others think that if they have a gun they are protected.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

At firs when I stared this project I didn't know that I'll be so interesting, I knew that there will be some interesting things but I didn't know I'll be so into it. I really like this topic because I always find lot of interesting things and learn lot of things. for example I didn't know that more than 10 percent Americans owned a gun and that many innocent people died every day because of guns. Also every time I watch the news they are always talking about guns, that guns are very dangerous, that there was a shooting and lot of bad things.

I think that guns are dangerous and there is people like gangs that use guns to steal or kill but there is also people that use them for protection. I also think that there should be a law or something that prevent stupid people like gangs or other people to buy or have guns, because they just want do bad things with them.

I think this is a great topic because is so interesting i like it.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Cause of a Gun

There are many effects on guns. For Example the shooting of Columbine High School near Littleton Colorado. Many innocent people died of a school shooting ,that went on April 20, 1999. 12 students got killed and one teacher. This is the fourth-deadliest in the whole United states history. This cause a debate on gun control laws. There has also been a movie based on this, bowling for columbine.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Arguments of gun control

Somethings about gun control, is that there are arguments. For example, on Sept. 13,2004 congress allowed a 10 year ban on weapons. Also gun control supporters said the laws protected civilians and police officer. But an association argued that the laws were trampled constitutional rights. A result of that is that the November 2, the president and congress election will pass an additional gun control measure. Some background about gun control is swashbuckling settlers carried rifles to hunt and fend off hostile narratives. Historians said a role of firearms the nations early history exaggerated. Around 1850 more then 10 percent Americans owned guns. Republicans are less inclined about gun control then Democrats. Democratic leaders left the party over a cliff of gun control. The Brady camp will be renewal of assault weapons ban. Bush failed to ask the congress to renew the ban. they predict that there will be another ban on assault weapons. Those are somethings about the ban and arguments on gun control.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

gun control video


The reason i chose this video was because he played around with the gun.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Gun control

Guns are dangerous and lots of people die every day because of guns. Some people have guns for protection and some others have them just to have fun with them, like gangs. Gangs use guns to kill people or to steal things and thats a very bad thing because guns should only be use for protection and not to kill innocent people.